Saturday, February 22, 2020

On the Move

Dale and I are still trying to make sense of our new home ... no ... in our new home. As much downsizing as we did, we are still having a hard time fitting the items we brought with us into this new space. Last week I managed to rearrange the laundry room. I go in there now just to open the cabinets and look at all that order. It calms me and makes me smile.

One more room settled.

We got our master bedroom closet organized last week, too. I may have to do a blog post about it. I'm over the moon with how it looks. I go into that walk-in closet, close the door, and bask in the order and symmetry.

Another area settled.

Dale's been working on the garage. He's brought a lot of order to it over the last few days. There's still much to do. But I'll bet we can park at least one car in there before too long.

My Studio however...

:: sigh ::

I'm still trying to make it work. Part of the reason the bedroom closet works so well is because we moved one of the seven foot tall bookcases that was in my Studio into that closet. However, all the art supplies that were stored on that shelf need a new home.

After much deliberation, we decided to move the other three seven-foot shelving units out of my Studio and store my stash down the hall. That area is starting to take shape. My dressmaker's mannequin even made it upstairs from where she was tucked in the garage. So here's another corner of order.

Now I'm trying to figure out a new layout for my Studio that makes sense. It's chaos in here. I want to return to creating.

I've got my computer corner almost set up. (Thus, my ability to write today's blog post). I've moved my sewing/cutting table from the kitchen(!) into the Studio. I've added a small folding table for the sewing machines, and another small table for crafting. But none of the furniture has a home yet, nor many of the supplies. I've got cardboard moving boxes literally stacked to the ceiling in my bathroom and most of my office supplies taking up space in the bedroom.


The first thing after removing the bookcases was to move the computer and the six foot folding table away from the window. I want to be able to be closer to this every evening! The school. The sports teams on the field. The dogs catching Frisbees. The clouds playing in the western sky.

I don't want to have the window shades down and miss the nightly show.

A girl needs her priorities!

A girl also needs to make some more decisions about what goes where ... instead of getting sidetracked with sunsets and writing a blog post.

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