Friday, February 7, 2020

Rose Baby

This puzzle is made from another photograph by Anne Geddes. Much like the Small is Beautiful puzzle, this was very difficult to put together. This time, however, I had a strategy for completing the background. It involved a lot of sorting and a whole lot of trying piece after piece, putting the background together systematically going around the flower clockwise. 

It took three days.

But at least I had these beautiful blue eyes to keep me company.

This is the second of three Anne Geddes puzzles that came packaged together. I bought them at a thrift store. Inside the box was a note that there were two missing pieces in this puzzle. My quest was to figure out where they belonged!

In the first photo above, you can see where the piece is missing in the top right corner. The other missing piece is hiding under the box.

Now, just to keep the theme going, and to freak out my friend Susan, I present Peek-a-Boo Demon Rose Baby!

You're welcome.

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