Sunday, April 26, 2020

Pretzel Bites

Happy National Pretzel Day!

We're celebrating another minor holiday today. In honor of this auspicious occasion, I baked some homemade pretzel bites.

They came out beautifully and smell divine.

Ever since Dale's stroke at the end of February, our doctor gave us a meal plan to follow. Pretzels from the store are not on the plan. But I found a recipe that is, so I gave it a my best attempt.

Unfortunately for me, I'm a bit of a pretzel snob. Next to popcorn, pretzels are my favorite snack. The texture of these bites is all wrong in my mouth, even for a soft pretzel. They are made with Fat Head dough, so they are very cheesy. And though the outside has that nice color and crust, they don't *snap* when you bite into them. But Dale likes them, and that's what counts. We'll try dipping them in pizza sauce and see if that helps.

They sure are pretty and I'm darn proud of myself for giving the recipe a try. I'll find another recipe and try again.

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