Thursday, April 2, 2020

Throwback Thursday - 2006 Part 13

I was a busy bee in November 2006, completing 10 small projects. Here are the first five. Come on! Jump into the Wayback Machine with me!

Dragon of Air

I made this bookmark for my daughter Jeanne's birthday. She enjoys fantasy stories and really likes dragons. This dragon was designed by Jennifer Aikman-Smith, who has a whole series of free patterns on her website.

To finish this bookmark
  1. I pinned a strip of a blue calico print to the stitchery, right sides together.
  2. I sewed the sides on my sewing machine.
  3. I then turned the fabric tube right sides are out.
  4. I folded the calico to the inside of the tube on the top and bottom.
  5. I hand stitched the top and bottom in place using a running stitch with a single strand of floss.
  6. Then I fringed the aida on the top and bottom.


Next, I returned to stitching another of the ornaments from the Twelve Blessings of Christmas series by Lizzie*Kate. The charm for Peace is a snowflake.

Baby Card

My great nephew was born that Fall. I crocheted an afghan for him the previous month. In November, I stitched a card to be sent with it to my niece. The design is by Leisure Arts from the booklet Just For Babies.

The inside of the card read:

You must be so happy
Now that your little guy is here!
May your love and togetherness grow
… Year after year.

Strawberry Teapot

This sweet little teapot was one of 18 squares made for a charity quilt. It's from the Tiny Little Teapots leaflet by Cross My Heart designs.


Yet another of the ornaments from the Twelve Blessings of Christmas series by Lizzie*Kate. The charm for Family is an angel.

I'll share November's final five finishes next time.

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