Friday, September 8, 2023

By George, I Think I've Got It!

I've completed my 23 Goals in 2023! 

And it's only early September.


Let's take a look:

Word of the Year: Flow
  • Sometimes I still get irritated when someone moves my cheese (goes against my expectations). Overall, though, I go with the flow more gently than I used to.

  • I am able to get into flow more easily - completely immersed in an enjoyable activity where time and space aren't registering in my brain because I'm so present in the moment.

  • My mornings have a flow, a routine, a ritual. I've developed an excellent way to start my days. I now call it my Daily Dance."

2023 Objective: Bring more FUN into my life
  • An ongoing quest. I see a local friend regularly. I take time with my kids and Dale. I keep my hands busy with crafty projects. My creativity has returned in full force. I can now walk three miles every Friday while listening to an audiobook or podcast.

2023 Creative Goal: Go on another Creative Journey with photography.
  • Since my last update in July, I've started reading a book by photographer Anne Geddes.

  • I'm deep into my photo organization project. I'd talk about it here if it wasn't so tedious.

  • I'm picking up my Big Girl Camera once a week. I'm very rusty using it anymore since the camera on my phone is so much more convenient.

23 Goals in 2023:
To keep it simple, I planned to visit 23 more parks within the city, county, state, Army Corp of Engineers, and BLM systems. As of this week - Accomplished!

The more voluminous list of goals reached: 

  1. I created and sent 23 handmade greeting cards. (Actually 43 so far this year).

  2. I made at least 23 beaded ornaments.

  3. Dale and I have continued our #TuesdayTravels outings.

  4. I found at least 23 geocaches (actually found around 140).

  5. I made at least 23 Quilted Hearts and gave them away. (I've made 26 now and have another 24 in the works).

  6. I gave away at least 23 items I no longer need. Decluttering is an ongoing pursuit.

  7. I wrote in my Gratitude Journal at least 23 days. (I'm up to more than 175 days. My practice has returned. Hooray!)

  8. I edited down the number of podcasts and YouTube subscriptions I listen to / watch regularly.

  9. I added reflective window film to my Studio windows to help ease afternoon heat.

  10. Dale and I finished our Advance Directives.

  11. I set up my sewing machines in a dedicated space and have begun to use them again.

  12. I've instituted #PhoneFreeFridays. I manage to do it a couple times a month.

  13. I got a bicycle.

  14. I did some volunteer work.

  15. I sewed a tablecloth for our patio table.

  16. Dale and I sold the big fountain, making room for furniture and fixtures for the patio.

  17. I enjoyed the Summer of P: visiting parks, having a picnic, looking at the past through some of my favorite photographs, being more aware of the color purple, and mostly fixing up our patio.

  18. With Jodie's help, I learned to set up my photo cube lighting.

  19. I made a specialized box to hold my photo backgrounds.

  20. I learned to use my new-and-improved digital microscope as well as the software that allows me to photograph what I see.

  21. I culled my photo library.

  22. I uploaded my entire photo library to the Cloud as a backup.

  23. I started a strawberry garden. I also planted zucchini, chard, sunflowers, pumpkins, and morning glories.
Not too shabby.

Now I can open my mind to preparing for our new granddaughter, Abby. She's due to make an appearance in January. Today I bought a few supplies for a baby project I have in mind.

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