Sunday, October 8, 2023

Summer of P: Picnic

Dale and I ended up having only one picnic last summer. We chose Walnut Grove Park.

It's a fairly large park with a big grassy area, picnic tables dotted all around, old in-need-of-grooming walnut trees along the perimeter behind a sturdy fence, and a large pond. We were there at the end of the summer when all the grass turned a golden brown.

We sat at this picnic table by the pond, with the clouds reflecting beautifully in the water.

This is another home of the Western Pond Turtle. It was at a distance, but we think we saw a couple of them sunning themselves on a log.

This is one of the biggest, oldest walnut trees.

We learned that the walnuts have these stages of growth before the husk comes off, revealing (we imagine) the hardened shell.

I'll bet this park is quite pretty in the Spring, when the grass is green and the trees are in bloom. It's another Eugene park worthy of revisiting.

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