Sunday, December 9, 2018

Another Sneak Peek

I spent most of today in my Studio. In the morning, tidying it up. I've had so many projects going that the chaos was getting a little out of control. But a couple hours put it back in order.

In the afternoon, I finished making my beaded ornaments ... eight snowflakes and eight icicles. During all the activity, I listened to audiobooks. I managed to listen to 2-1/2 books! It's just what my frazzled self needed today. Creative time under my full-spectrum lights is good for body, mind and spirit.

I didn't feel like editing photos of the gingerbread scene for today's blog post, though. So instead, I'll share a sneak peak of my icicle ornaments. The wire work is new to me. So like snowflakes, no two icicle swirls are the same.

If I'm up to it, I'll take some close-up photos of my latest creations and share them over the next few days.

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