Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Beaded Ornaments - part 2

The second batch of beaded ornaments are the icicles.  They are a bit more than 2 inches in length.

The tricky part of these for me was the wire work. I've not tried bending and swirling wire much. I had a hard time keeping the beads on the straight part of the ornament to stay there while I bent the wire. So for my sanity, I added a bead of hot glue at the right-angle bend. Works like a charm and doesn't look too cheesy.

My inexperience with wire work also means my swirls are rather uneven. Perhaps I should have watched some YouTube videos for some tips before attempting the swirl.

But they got better as I learned. This one makes me proud.

I'm very happy with my choice to keep the two parts of the ornament separate. They'll work beautifully on my tree.

Now to get the tree out of storage and decorate it!

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