Friday, January 4, 2019

Ladies of the Evening

One of my 19 in 2019 goals this year is to blog about at least 10 of the beaded evening bags in my collection, and to mend them as needed. I call these beaded bags my Ladies of the Evening.

Because ... I'm like that.

I don't have many rare or antique bags. As you'll see, that's not the emphasis of my collection. I do have several vintage bags, mostly gifted to me. I pick up evening bags that catch my eye, ones with an interesting shape or unusual beading.

I also like to see how inexpensively I can find them. My daughters and I are always on the lookout for the evening bags when we're at thrift stores. When we get a good buy, we keep the price tag tucked inside the bag just for a giggle. We love it when we can find one for less than four dollars. I once found a lady for only seventy-nine cents! Score!

Before I move on to adding new blog entries, I thought I'd do this retrospective of the Ladies I've already photographed and blogged about.

This will remind me what I've already posted as well as put me in the mood to photograph more of my Ladies and share them in the coming weeks.

These two were bought at a specialty import shop in Sandpoint, Idaho in 2007:

I call this one Lady Jet

Here's the Change Lady. I bought this small change purse in a Colorado cross-stitch shop. (Wow. That picture is out of focus!)

This is the Scallop Lady who glows with iridescence in the dark.

Lipstick Lady is just the right size for a lipstick ... or a thumb drive

She came to me from my daughter Jeanne who noticed the hearts beaded on the ends.

I'm looking forward to showing you the few antique ladies that were given to me from my long-time friend, Kathy. I sent her back this thank you card so she could have a Lady, too.

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