Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Pompom Finale - The Valentine Wreath

This pompom project has come to a close. My final steps included making 21 of these small multi-colored pompoms.

I used the smallest of the four pompom makers for the inside row, which created a ball approximately 1-1/4 inches in diameter. Here are the three sizes I made, side-by-side. For my wreath project, I used only the two smaller sizes.

I used a heart-shaped wire wreath form from Dollar Tree as the base. It's approximately twelve inches wide at the largest point. I simply tied the pompoms onto the wires with the hanging strings. It couldn't have been easier. And because I used leftover yarn from my stash, the entire project cost only one dollar. I bought the pompom makers last year for about seven dollars. If you were to buy yarn for this project, you'd need about three skeins.


Since I ran out of the cranberry colored yarn, I made eight of the maroon pompoms and dispersed them evenly among the lighter pompoms in the outer ring.

I'm delighted with the various levels the convex curve of the wreath form and the two sizes of pompoms create as the wreath hangs on the wall in our dining room.

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