Saturday, January 5, 2019

Pompom Garland

This was the quickest craft I did before Christmas. I bought several bottle brush trees to set around our gingerbread house scene. I bought five trees, each with different kinds of needles and in two sizes. The small tree is about 5 inches tall. The tall trees are about 7 inches tall.

I decided to leave two of the trees as is -- one had pretty red berries on it. But for these three trees, I decorated them with garlands of pompoms. I like that they look like they now have ornaments on them.

It was the simplest thing to do. Thread tiny pompoms onto green thread, using a sharp needle to pierce the center of the pompom. Wrap the threaded pompoms around the trees like a garland.

That's it. No gluing or sewing or anything else. The pompoms simple nestle into the branches and stay in place!

Here's where I got the idea.

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