Saturday, January 19, 2019

Learning to Draw

So about a week-and-a-half ago I wrote a blog post that one of my 19 in 2019 goals is to finish one of eight long-term courses. I've started The Creative License by Danny Gregory. When I bought the book ::mumblemumble:: years ago, I thought it was kind of a "Rah! Rah! Go get 'em! You can be creative too!" kind of book. When I started reading it, I found out that it was about seeing like an artist, and to practice seeing like an artist by drawing a little something every day.

So I had to make a decision. Do I continue being content to be a crafter, photographer, needleartist, etc ... but still not think of myself as a "real" artist because I can't draw or paint? Or do I follow along with Danny and give drawing a try?

For now, I'm giving it a try. Surprisingly to me, I'm finding out I can do this a little. Here's my drawing from my 8th and 9th day of trying.

I honestly don't feel talented in this realm. I find this difficult. But it is eye opening to figure out drawing is a skill that can be learned. For some reason, I thought that some people can draw and some people can't. I was someone who can't.

But I'm giving it a go. I find this to be more work and effort than joy so far.

But then, so was sewing all those years ago!

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