Wednesday, June 28, 2023

I Did a Thing!

OK. This may not be the most exciting thing for readers of my blog, but it's pretty exciting for me. I did a handy(wo)man thing. I installed some reflective film on the windows of my Studio.

The thing is ... I did it all myself. Dale didn't even have to help me. 

(Well, he tried, but I didn't get enough sleep last night, so my temper started getting a little short with him. I asked him to go do his own thing so I could figure this out without getting in a fight).

The window in my Studio faces directly west. This room turns into a sauna in the afternoons, even with the blinds down and the air conditioning on. I wanted a way to block some of the heat without blocking too much light.

I had the idea. I did the research. I talked it over with Dale. I did the measuring and ordering. I did the entire installation. And it's not too shabby for a first attempt.

The thing is, it's transparent, so there's no way to actually show the window. But it's 5:45pm on a 90 degree day, and I'm fairly comfortable. The reflective film works!

And did I happen to mention that I DID IT ALL BY MYSELF! ??

Dale is impressed. We're now considering adding some of this reflective window film to a couple other rooms.

But I might have him help with those.

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