Saturday, June 17, 2023


Since I'm nearly done with my bunny cross-stitch, I thought I'd increase the chance of finishing it if I have another cross-stitch project ready to go. I kitted up this very small 4th of July design. 

Pop! by Lizzie*Kate. 

It's only 38 x 38 stitches square - the size of an ornament. As long as I can see the holes in the fabric, it ought to be a quick stitch. Done in time for the 4th? We'll see.

I think this is an 18ct scrap of red aida fabric. Here's the floss toss. I'm using the red only to bind the fabric edges to keep them from fraying. That metallic gold is the weight of perle cotton (a bit thicker than regular 6-strand floss). The gold star is a stud I had on hand rather than a button as called for in the design. 

This could be a nice addition to the other summer items I decorated with yesterday. If not for this year, maybe in 2024.

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