Thursday, June 1, 2023

Melody Turns Six

 A month after Annie's birthday, we returned to Idaho to celebrate her big sister's birthday. It was a whirlwind! We forgot to take photos, except when she was opening her big pile of gifts. Thanks to Papa, we have these images.

She loves her new heart box filled with 24 rings, and can't wait to try out her new, shiny, colorful gymnastics outfit.

She received about a dozen "new reader" books. That includes all the "Dick and Jane" books I used when I learned to read.

Melody loves puzzles and mazes and drawing, so she got activity books to encourage those interests. The two drawing books say, "Happy Birthday, Melody" on the cover. It blew her mind that someone knew her name and printed it on books for her.

Aunt Jodie and Uncle Kenny got her a big fluffy Cam the Calico Cat Squishmallow. Cats are her favorite animal ... well, that and bats.

Grandma Jean gave Melody a Lego set. Goodness! This girl has a very studious and scientific mind. She sat in the middle of the chaos, and read through the instruction book. A girl after my own heart.

That Lego set had bags full of tiny pieces. By the time we left the following morning, she'd constructed the entire set.

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