Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday Secrets: May 18, 2008

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. I find it to be an amazing sociological experiment. These three secrets resonated with me this week ...

This is funny. My mom was so particular about how the dishwasher was loaded that I used to say I attended the "Emily Codispoti School of Dishwasher Loading." As a mother, I INSISTED that my kids load the dishwasher in the prescribed fashion. After I joined Flylady and learned that "housework done incorrectly still blesses the family, " I finally gave up being so particular. Now that I've loosened my grip on that task, I have all kinds of help with the dishes.

All my life I've shared a birthday. Either with my sister Janet (whose birthday was three days before mine). Or with Gail Kelly (whose birthday was two days after mine). Or with Thanksgiving Day. Or with my daughter Jeanne, who was born on my 27th birthday. As a rare treat, I get to have a birthday all to myself — like on my 50th. That one was a winner!

It's hard to remember this. But if I can, I tend to be much more compassionate.

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