Friday, May 30, 2008

For Petey's Sake! Turn on the Light!

I'm organized, but messy. Mostly.

I can usually find what I'm looking for if I'm the last person that used the thing. I'm usually good at putting a thing in the spot that's been allocated for it.

Know why? When I was a kid, I shared a room with two of my older sisters. When we had to clean up, the oldest of us three would be the Queen. My other sister and I had to be the Subjects. The Queen sat near the pile of junk and told us subjects where to put each object. If she didn't know where an object belonged, she'd have us shove it in "your little sister's bottom drawer."

It got to a point where I couldn't even open my drawer any more.
Pissed me off.

All because of that childhood trauma, I don't have junk drawers in my house (at least, in any room where *I'm* in charge!

Please. Please.
Let me be organized.
Or my soul feels scrunched.

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