Sunday, May 4, 2008

Light Bulb Moment

When I was in college, I had the profound fortune to work on campus at the small literary press. I've always loved books. I came to love publishing.

To me, it's the most marvelous thing to watch something start as an idea in an author's head. Go through the writing and re-writing process. The editing. The design, typesetting, layout. And off to the printers.

When the new publication came in, I could hold in my hand this ephemeric idea that now had bones and muscle and sinew and could last through generations.

One of my husband's qualities that I admire most — and am most drawn to — is that he is an idea guy. A future thinker. He's hard to stay up with! But he gets these notions that he can verbalize in print. The ideas may sit on a shelf for five years or more. Eventually, some of them play out. Many are successful.

I like being close to him, to generate my own ideas through osmosis. To become a purveyor of possibility.

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