Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Chocolate Frosty

Ooooo! Lookie what I learned to make last night for dessert!

The thing Dale and I miss most about the meal plan our doctor suggested is ... carbs! Where I crave crunchy salty snacks, Dale most misses some of the sweeter treats. But I found a recipe for a sweet treat that we can eat!

This is as close to soft serve ice cream that I've had in months. It was fairly easy to make, using only a few ingredients: whole cream, unsweetened chocolate, sugar substitute, vanilla, and salt. Dale's eyes lit up when he had his first bite.

I'm pleased that the result looks so much like the picture in the recipe. When I make this again, I'm going to try for a vanilla frosty. I'll probably double the vanilla extract used here, and perhaps add some vanilla bean for a more robust flavor. We might even add berries to it. Yum.

I'm super proud of myself for adding another food group to our meal plan. (The chocolate mug cake we tried wasn't a hit. Yeech). Is life worth living without dessert?

In the past, I haven't generally relished food prep -- except for baking. Breads, cookies, pies and cake are definitely not on our meal plan. I've gone above and beyond my 20 in 2020 goal of learning six new recipes this year. In fact, this is my 12th new recipe of the year, and I have two more main course entrĂ©es to try this month! I'm hope they are as successful and delicious.

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