Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Patchwork Sampler

I was feeling low last week, so spent a lot of time watching YouTube videos to pass the time. And because I can't seem to keep my hands still while watching, and I was tired of playing Spider Solitaire, I pulled out a project I started last year.

This is a sampler of odds and ends of threads. Over time, I've accumulated quite a lot of floss. Some of the bits and pieces are left over from kits. Others are specialty skeins I was given or that were used for a specific project and then never again. I also have quite an assortment of variegated flosses and overdyed threads that morph from one color to another.

I gave myself only a few parameters when beginning this stitching:

  1. Each square is 10 stitches by 10 stitches
  2. Every-other square is plain, then variegated
  3. Try to keep like colors away from each other

With so few rules, it's the kind of stitching that's very easy to do while watching videos or listening to podcasts.

I'm not certain what I'll do with the finished product. Nor am I sure how big it will be. So far it's about 5 inches by 12 inches. The largest it can be, using the 14 count aida fabric I'm working on, is seventeen inches by 13 inches. I'm leaning toward making it into a pillow. Or perhaps I'll frame it.

Honestly, the end result doesn't matter. This time, it's a project I'm making for myself where the process is more important than the finished piece. It feels amazingly good to be cross-stitching again.

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