Friday, June 26, 2020

Oddball Minor Holiday

Earlier this week, I celebrated another minor holiday. National Parchment Cooking Day was on June 24. I have two excellent recipes that fit the bill. One is a delicious Dutch Apple Pie. But Dale and I are staying away from sweets right now. So I cooked the other, Salmon Baked in Parchment.

For this recipe, I first cut the parchment in the shape of a heart. Brush on some oil. Add the fish and spice it well with lemon pepper, Mrs Dash, and some dry mustard.

Then you enclose the fish by folding the heart like this.

Bake it for 15 minutes. Let it rest for 5 minutes. Then, yum!

I ate it with some spinach. A simple, nutritious dinner.

This was the 24th minor holiday I've celebrated so far this year.

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