Thursday, July 30, 2020

July Birthday Fairy

Because I completed my project of sharing all my 1996 - 2007 stitching projects, I thought I'd do a different kind of #throwbackthursday blog post today. Let's take a closer look at a piece I stitched for my daughter Jodie's birthday in 2004. I'll give this charming fairy a closer look.

She's been hanging in our entry hall this month. As July closes, she will go back into storage for another year.

This fairy is definitely an American lass. She's all decked out in red, white, and blue. She's holding an American flag and appears to be dressed up for a parade. I particularly like the wreath in her hair, adorned with red flowers. She's wearing a prominent beaded necklace.

Between her blue petticoat and red overdress, she wears a white underskirt that's embroidered in blue with red beading detail.

She stands amidst a flowered arch of blue blooms, green leaves, which is dotted with more red beaded buds.

One of her most beautiful features are her spectacular wings. They have extra shimmer because of the added layer of iridescent thread.

It's been several years since I looked at the July Birthday Fairy this closely. She really is a beauty.

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