Tuesday, May 12, 2020

MIL Card

One thing about self-isolation is missing holidays with your relatives. Normally Dale and I would have made an effort to be in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho last weekend to celebrate Mother's Day and his birthday with his mom.

Another thing about self-isolation is that we didn't go out to find a special card for my mother-in-law. So I made one.

Joany is an incredible gardener. She grows flowers and vegetables. Her yard has birdbaths and statuary that attract all manner of winged things. So I reflected that love of gardening in the card I made her.

I kept the inside simple, repeating the ribbon element used on the front.

Then I signed the back, as usual.

I added a pop of color and graphic design to the envelope flap with this bright wavy plaid. I appreciate unexpected elements.

Dale spent some significant time on the phone with his mom on Sunday. The 10th means a lot to both of them, for Dale was Joany's firstborn, born on a Mother's Day.

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