Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Eugene Park Tour: Gillespie Butte

Dale and I are not convinced that this Gillespie Butte Park still exists. In following Google Maps, we made the entire circumference around where the park was supposed to be. We have a feeling this land was sold to developers. There are  many signs that the land has recently been divided into lots for home. Most of those lots are sold. Paved cul-de-sacs and curbing has been added.

We did get out and walk around the vacant lots. Man! What a view!

Most of the area looks like this, with dried grass and underbrush, surrounded by rows of evergreen trees.

We did see a mama turkey with her chicks resting among the underbrush. A big tom turkey was walking along the road.

On the lower part of the hill is this impressive retaining wall with two waterfall fountains

and this signage that let us know we were on the right hill.

The city's webpage said the park is studded with oak trees. Is that an oak tree there next to the waterfall? If so, we couldn't figure out how to reach that spot. There was a lot of construction going on in the neighborhood, though. Some of the big trucks could have been blocking a park entrance.


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