Thursday, September 8, 2022

Throwback Thursday: Hosta

I haven't done a lot of gardening in my time, but I have tried a bit over the years. In 2012, Dale and I did a major relandscaping of our yard. Trees were removed. Curbing was installed. We got a new lawn. We put in some plants. We shoveled and raked in a lot of bark.

For the front yard, I wanted hostas in the beds around the trees. We chose a Golden Tiera variety. There is a nice variegation to the leaf, and it's not too big.

This was what the beds looked like in 2012 when the planting was done and bark was added. 

Nice and tidy.

Every Spring, Jeanne would come by to "play in the dirt" with me. Hosta can be divided fairly easily. We got a knife, cut all the way through the root ball, divided each plant, dug new holes in between the established plants, and plopped the now smaller plants into the holes. 


By the time Dale and moved away from Post Falls, the hosta beds looked like this. They'd filled in beautifully!


They're a plant with these funny, tall, spindly, purple flowers. I loved taking photos of them.


I never got tired of lying on my belly and taking photos of them.







This is my most established gardening success.

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