Monday, September 19, 2022

Eugene Park Tour: Laurel Hill Park

Dale and I visited this developed park on the same day that we found Bloomberg Park and Black Oak Basin. This area of Eugene has a lot of new construction. Laurel Hill is a fairly standard neighborhood park.

Not knowing our way around, our GPS led us to park at the top of the hill. There wasn't much parking up there. That entrance was a long tree-lined, paved walkway down the hill.

As the trees parted, the park spread out before us. There is a lot of open space in the center of the hill, then this play area near the bottom of the hill. We learned there's better parking near the playground.

The playground is cushioned with bark. There's a standard climbing structure, a small swing set, a teeter-totter, and a few other pieces of playground equipment.

The play area has a few picnic tables and a bike rack nearby. This does appear to be a family neighborhood with single family homes. We saw a mom and her toddlers playing there that day.

The most dominant feature of the park is the large green area. But since it's on a hill, it'd be hard to have ball games there. 

It would, however, make for a wickedly challenging croquet course!


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