Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Day 460: A Biblical Pun

I added this new photograph to Creative Journey
in my Photography section,
Roses and the Burning Bush

Moses was out on the fields tending sheep when he came upon his famous burning bush whereupon he fell to his knees and learned what God asked him to do. Then he hid his face and declared the spot holy ground.

All I had to do was walk across the parking lot at Falls Park, wade into the flower bed avoiding thorns, and sink to my knees in the sod to take this photo, eyes fully open to the beauty.

Kinda wish I'd heard God's voice leading me on while I was there ...
It would be good to know what path I'm supposed to take.

I need to remember that after that encounter, Moses wandered in the desert for 40 years and never did get to the land of milk and honey. I don't think I have 40 years left in me ... and would sure like to make a difference in the world before I reach the end of my Journey.

1 comment:

CameoRoze (Margaret) said...

Linda wrote this to me:

Seems to me that you do make a
difference with your beautiful, artistic talents and all the things you make to share with others. And your photography is outstanding!!
We all share with others some small thing - on a daily basis - even if it's a smile or a compliment that helps the day go better and that does make a difference. You've
enriched us all by sharing unselfishly your photos and how-to's - thanks.