Thursday, October 18, 2007

Day 475: No Disaster Here

I added this new photograph to Creative Journey in my Photography section, Benign Mushroom Cloud

Here's proof that not all mushroom clouds spell imminent disaster.

I saw this wonderfully formed cloud as I was driving home from the grocery store. Formations such as these are common on these Fall days where storms roll across the prairie quickly, then dissipate.

I took this photo from the lowlands, over the interstate, and with a long lens. I then drove up a hill to see if I could get a better angle on the cloud formation. But by the time I got to the top of the hill, the cloud had rearranged itself.

One of the cool things about photography is that each image can be so fleeting. If I'm going to get interesting shots, I need to have my camera handy, and my eyes open to recognizing events and scenes that are interesting, unusual, or on which I can get my own unique perspective.

I missed one this morning. I drove Jodie to school just as the sun was rising and throwing a double layer of light over some clouds. It would have been a gorgeous shot! But my camera was in my studio, plugged into my computer. This will teach me to be more vigilant!

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